Warriors, if while listening to this video (by Pastor David Wilkerson) the unction of the Holy Spirit does not witness to you, you need to get on your knees!!! THIS MESSAGE IS PRICELESS IN MY BOOK! The message is not that "You're changing in a good way." We are called to change EVERY DAY to become MORE LIKE CHRIST. Are we losing the love of Christ? Do you glory in the spirit or in the flesh? Are you the least bit concerned for your spiritual health?
Everyone's quick to agree that we are in the "Last Days" . . . do you REALLY BELIEVE THAT? Are you living HOLY before God . . . HOLY as God expecting Jesus' return at ANY moment? Are YOU ready? Maybe you've walked an aisle, prayed a prayer with your pastor and been baptized . . . but how REAL is Jesus in your life? Do you OBEY the Living Word of God or have you been deceived by the Enemy to think God will take care of everything now that you're saved.
Used to be we'd go to church expecting to HEAR from the Holy Spirit. to see the Holy Spirit MOVE. Now we expect to sing popular/mainstream contemporary Christian songs (and I LOVE contemporary Christian music!!), we want to be entertained, we don't want the message to last more than 10-20 minutes and definitely we don't want to get out late to where we have to stand in line as Longhorn. WHERE IS OUR DESIRE FOR GOD'S WORD . . . FOR THE MOVING OF THE HOLY SPIRIT?
It's time to WALK the TALK. We must OBEY God's Word. Without it quoting Scripture means nothing. Warriors, WE NEED REVIVAL and revival starts with ME and YOU!
Following our Captain in BATTLE, Delann Conrad